Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What is it about clouds?

What is it about them that makes us stop in our tracks and utter simple words like "cool!", "awesome!", and "wow!"?

Our neighborhood was treated to this cloud/light display at sundown last week, and we just stood in the back yard, turning around in every direction, awestruck as if we'd never seen anything like it before.

I don't think any further commentary is needed ...


Alice said...

Yes, they are gorgeous. I was driving home last night just before the sun went down. There were a bunch of clouds in the sky, but there was one cotton ball cloud that was this beautiful salmon-pink. It just stood up and out from all these other gray clouds around it. I almost stopped in the middle of the road, but I didn't have a camera. I just said, Thank you!!

Midlife Roadtripper said...

My dad always looks at the sky and finds pictures in the clouds. I'm reminded of him when I watch the sky. Beautiful pictures here.

Ginger said...

You captured the clouds perfectly with your camera. I love how the light is shining through. We've had some real cloudy, gloomy days this week, and a little rain too.

Wendy said...

Beautiful pictures!

I've been meeting with some friends for early morning (6 am) yoga outside in our backyards. And the sky has made it so enjoyable. I love gazing at the clouds as I reach for the sky or lay on my back in relaxation pose. Even when they aren't that great, they're pretty great.

MaranathaMom said...

When I lived in China for a year, I was amazed by the hills. When I came home to florida, i saw the horizon for the first time & finally appreciated our wide open skies. So sweet to take time to admire the lovely gifts God has given.