Kraig arrived at our home around noon. He wasn't anything like I expected, though I'm not really sure what I expected! Cute as the dickens, I think he said he was about 45 years old, and just very easy and casual. I had warned him about our dogs, how they would bark like crazy for the first thirty minutes before they settled down. So he came with a box of Three Dog Bakery dog treats! He had also brought a black screen cloth, two unbrella lights, a tripod, a video recorder, etc.
We visited for a little bit, my daughter and husband showed up and we visited a little more, he set up his equipment and hung the black background on the curtains, attached the mic to me, sat me in a chair, started asking me questions based on my blog posts and on the emails he and I have exchanged, and on the information that he had found and I had yet to know about.
And what information he found! Never in my wildest dreams did I think he'd have this much! Some of it I already knew, some I wasn't expecting at all, and some just blew me away. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. To say that I'm still numb three hours later would be accurate. I'm not an overly emotional person in public, but my heart was beating wildly and my ears were ringing the entire time with suppressed emotion. And that's why I can't tell you about it right now. I've yet to process it.
That bag at the beginning? That's an early birthday gift from Kraig. It contains a book of the history of Lake Bluff, Illinois (with a section on the orphanage), a dvd of interviews with the two nurses who would have been my nurses for the three months I was there, pictures of the orphanage as it looked then, photos of the nursery and the cribs...and two sets of documents covering the end of my mother's pregnancy starting in April 1948 when the unwed mother's home is making arrangements for me to be placed in the orphanage, thru to the one year evaluation of me with my adoptive parents, all the way to "August 31, 1949 Case closed. Child legally adopted."
Some of the things I thought I knew about my birth, my biological mother and her family, were false. Everything I thought I knew about my biological dad was false. Things I knew a little about were elaborated on. New facts emerged about my maternal family, my mother's pregnancy, and my birth and time at the orphanage. Most was good. As soon as I read the papers again, look at the dvd, and maybe look at the video that my daughter took, I will be able to focus enough to make a post about all that I learned today.
For now, let me just say this. I turn 62 on May 15, and I never thought I would get this kind of birthday present at this age. Did I mention that I'm stunned? And that Kraig has got to be one of the nicest people I've ever met? And that he came all the way from Chicago to Ringgold, Georgia to give me the results of this research he did for someone he'd never met, who he only found out about last year from my mentioning Lake Bluff Orphanage in a blog post?
Yes, indeed, I am stunned. (...to be continued)
The gift that keeps on giving!
It sounds like his visit was a great success. Take your time sweetie, process it and have it settled in your own mind, you deserve that. Somehow I feel really happy for you and I don't even know what was said. Take care and am sending big hugs....:-)
absolutely amazing!! This is like a Lifetime movie!!!! Everything was recorded, right?
Take your time...but by your b-day I must know more!
I am dying that he brought you a pink gift bag!!
Wow, sounds like you had quite a day! I've been thinking of you for the last few days, hoping all would be well... take care.
Wow...it sounds like it must have been a great visit and I can imagine how you must need a little time to process. Im glad that, though stunned, you sound very positive. I'm eager to hear more.
What an amazing gift for you to get these facts and this man coming to enlighten you. Good grief, this is unbelievably lucky!
Kraig is an amazing and unique guy who does wonderful things for other folks on a regular basis. Not sure if he is "cute as the dickens" but I'll let you be the judge of that. We are lucky to have him here in good ol' Lake Bluff...
That is wonderful news! I'm glad Kraig was able to clarify (and correct) some things for you.
I feel light headed reading this...flashing back to my own brushes with lost information. This is exciting! Mortar to your bricks :)
Glad to read that the visit went so well. Excited to know what the new facts reveal.
I can't imagine. This is such a fascinating story, I can't wait for you to share what you've learned. Growing up with my biological parents, I've never thought of the questions and wonderings of someone adopted. You have brought all that to life this past year. And, yes, all from a blog post. Aren't you glad you began this blog?
Now you need to write the book! Take good care, Linda, and make sure you write in a journal all your thoughts, each day. So glad I've caught up with your posts.
What a lovely birthday gift!
Layla from L.A.
I don't know how I missed this post. I just can't reiterate enough all you've already said about Kraig; if the world had more people like him, we'd live in Paradise!
Linda, I'm stunned you're going to be 62, you look phenomenal! And everything that has happened to you since last year is absolutely beyond AMAZING. I am so happy for you, at all you have found out. What a wonderful, sweet person you have for a friend now, Kraig!
OK, so I haven't visited any blogs in the last couple of weeks, so I missed this originally. I knew that he was coming, so I've actually scrolled down to read these in order. Now I'm on to the most recent one.
And can I say, Holy Crap! (I accidentally typed Holy Carp the first time. I think I might start using that one.) Anyway, what an amazing guy to do this for people. And bring a birthday present?! So sweet.
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