Most of the last month has been taken up with working in the yard and taking care of the grandsons. Thankfully, that pesky hawk finally went away and some of the birds have come back, including these nesting robins. They're in a really dense spot in a bush, so I had a hard time getting this photo and then had to enlarge it. The boys were running thru the sprinkler and splashing their little faces (the birds, not the boys), so I had to make them move (the boys, not the birds). As far as I can tell, there are four babies. If you were here last summer, you might remember that we had one baby bluebird in a house right out the front door...that was eaten by a snake. Hopefully these little ones will have a longer lifespan, and my dogs won't get them when they fledge!
I'm sure you don't need a narrative of my flowers! My perennials have gone crazy with all the rain we've had, making clumps so big that I'll have to divide them soon, but my eye has been more drawn to the individual flower types and the wonder of how different and intricate they all are.

Hey happy birthday! Wonderful photos and fantastic the robins are nesting again.
Happy birthday! I've got about a month left to be 62. Sigh! Your flowers are beautiful and those individual shots are amazing.
Happy Birthday! Cute Grandkiddos..aren't they fun?! We have nesting birds too and I almost took a pic to post..so funny..I was chopping away at one of my bushes and didn't realize they were even in there. I exposed them a bit and now I'm so worried the cat will find them..hopefully they will make it out of here fully grown! Your flowers are beautiful..I'm almost done with planting..just waiting for the local greenhouse to have the end of season super sale!
Happy Birthday, you look wonderful and your grandsons are so cute.
I can't believe how beautiful your flowers are....we still have another week before planting here as we had frost a couple of nights ago. I really would love the growing weather my blogger friend have........:-) Hugs
Happy Birthday! I'm thinking positively for those little robins. Those pale iris are beautiful.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy birtday to you ,,,happy birtdday,,,Ms Wandereeeerrrrrrrr..Happy birth day to youuuuuuu.. I dont sing just for anyone lolol,
Beautiful pics....too
Great photos! So cool to see the birds, the flowers and...YOU, of course! (Did you iron your hair?)
Hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration with your family! The boys are cuties.. nice they helped with your cake.
Linda, your garden flower pics are beautiful, so nice that you have a healthy nest going, too. Our family of phoebes will make it if the squirrels leave them alone, nice to see them coming along.
Oh how lovely...you, the flowers, the kids...all of it. You are truly blessed. Eh...Roundup and birthday cake...not such a bad thing :)
Happy Birthdday Sista!
Happy Belated Birthday. I was 62 once. lol.
I love all your flowers. We don't have a single flower in the yard, just grass and weeds. The last flowers I had in the ground, the goats ate. I usually have some petunias in a pot, but haven't even done that yet.
Can you believe we finally made it to some warm temps...all the snow has melted. Yes!!
Now, if you hadn't mentioned it in the small print, I would of never noticed the weed killer on the table next to the cake!! lol
Happy birthday!
The baby birds are precious. I finally opened up our birdhouse today and held the eggs - they had been laid over seven weeks ago - no movement, and one was cracked. I took a flashlight and looked inside - nothing but goo. So sad.
Your flower photos are amazing! What is the white waxy one? (I adore flowers, but know practically nothing about them.)
Happy belated birthday. I would never think 62 if I saw you. What kind of flowers are the second, third, sixth and seventh frames. Beautiful.
62? Why you're just a young, frisky little thing.
Happy birthday.
I have agree with Julie, you don't look anywhere NEAR 62, in fact, I flat out don't believe it. So there! And your flowers are absolutely beautiful by the way. LOVE the pics! And of course, the baby robins. Lovely garden.
Oh, your flowers are beautiful! And in all these pictures of Garrett, I can't get over how much he looks like Davie (and strangely quite a bit like me as a kid). I think Conner must take more after Brent's side of the family.
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