Donna at Mystical Journey has a new grandson, the other Donna at Starkey Hollow had to have her doggie, Sam, put to sleep, Cheryl at Scrubby Bush is having trouble with a randy kangaroo repeatedly having his way with her pet roo (how many people can say that?), yaya at Whispering Pines lost a dear sister-in-law and now herself has a finger in a splint from putting a fitted slipcover on her couch. Jeanne's dog Dodger is getting the cold shoulder from the little corgi down the street, Susie of City Gal Moves to Oz is raising a herd of guineas who are growing too fast while she's off working, and Middle Age Woman almost lost her adult son last month. Life is going on all around us! It's been going on here in my corner of the world as well, and
if I had been posting this last month I would have told you about it.
If I had been posting, I would have told you about our battle with
lice and fleas at my daughter's house and mine, and how I have done so much laundry between the lice one week and the fleas the next that I think I should be qualified for some kind of special laundress award! Conner brought them home from kindergarten, and keeps getting re-infested with nits, but we can't figure out from where because they also spray and wash at school! As far as we can tell, none of the other of us has had them, except for a few nits on Melody early on, so it's got to be something that hasn't been sprayed or washed at school.

And I would have told you that
Eva Jean had such a bad reaction to the Frontline flea application after being off it for six months (do you know how expensive that stuff has gotten?)that she frothed at the mouth, couldn't stand up without falling down, and had a seizure. Scared the crap out of me, but I hurriedly washed it off repeatedly with a wet towel until she came around and stood up and walked off like nothing out of the ordinary had happened except that Mom was freaking out about something again.

If I had been posting, I would have told you that
Connor (left)
turned five years old in September, something he has been looking forward to since he was four and a half. For his birthday I got to go to his muffin and juice party in his kindergarten class (which was a hoot, especially with
eleven boys in the class and only a sprinkling of girls), and then that night the family met at the park after football and soccer practice for cupcakes and some playtime. Most of it was in the dark because the park hadn't yet changed their automatic lighting to 8pm instead of 9pm, but we had a good time anyway. His big gift was a DS because his brother and two cousins each have one, so he was always odd man out.

If I had been posting, I would have told you about how Connor and I and then Garrett and I, on separate occasions, spent time at our
nature trail and creek. It had been way too hot to do that this summer, and even now the mosquitos are horrible. The day that Garrett and I went we took Oliver, and had the best time for about an hour, until he started feeling sick and wanted to go home. Turned out he was cooking something, and threw up at Connor's birthday party and then missed three days of school (plus the weekend) with an upper respiratory thing. I had to take him to the doctor twice, with the last one having a change of antibiotic and a nebulizer, both of which did the trick.
If I had been posting, I would have told you about our
mouse infestation, which we get several times a year because of the field behind us. Cute little things, but the cuteness wears off real fast when they poop and pee on everything! I had to put all the cereals, crackers,popcorn, cake mixes, etc., in the oven until I could get plastic containers that are mouse-proof (I keep these things on wire pantry shelves on the door in the laundry room), and forgot one night and turned the oven on. Luckily, I realized what I had done when I smelled plastic burning, and the only damage done was melting the cellephane wrapping of the snack crackers. It's actually been a nightmare because killing them with the traps wears on you after a while, especially when they aren't completely killed (I won't go into detail on that one), but we've tried all the no-kill traps and they aren't as effective or they flat out don't work.

If I had been posting, I would have told you about my new babies,
Hannah and Henrietta McHamster. (Yes, I see the irony of that in light of the above paragraph). And they, also, are cute little things. In fact, I'm quite enamered of them and spend at least thirty minutes every night (what would normally maybe have been my blogging time) freshening their cages and playing with them. The idea was that I had hamsters growing up, as did my daughter, so it was only fair that the grandsons should have the experience...but with the hamsters staying at my house. So I bought two girls, who I separated into two cages so they wouldn't start fighting, and they're right next to each other above me here at my computer desk. The boys adore them (though the thrill has worn off a little as the weeks have passed), and I've no regret that they (the hamsters) have added work to my already busy day, cuz, like I said, they are so cute and entertaining!
(My husband says that if he didn't know that the hamsters were in the bathroom with me, he'd worry about my sanity because of all the talking I do!)
We had one near disaster, feeding my fear that the dogs will get hold of one of them. I was sitting here at the computer, saw a movement out of the corner of my eye, and looked a scant few inches to my left at the bookcase , and who should be staring back at me from the top of the photo albums but Henrietta! The masking tape holding the door to her nesting box on top of the cage closed had curled, allowing it to open when she was up there, nesting. I've tried imagining what she must have been thinking as she peered over the edge, if her mind was on the great escape or 'hey, there's mom!'. Be that as it may, I quickly threw the dogs out of the room, slammed the door, and got her safely back to her now super-reinforced cage.

If I had been posting, I would have told you that
Lewie the Bluey died, and I'm convinced that he never recovered from the tomato sauce incident. I stopped to look at the fish when I was at Petco to get the hamsters, and ended up going home with another betta,
Miss Lady Fish. She runs to the front of her bowl and swims in excited circles when I come near, which actually means nothing more than that she wants food, but I like to tell myself that she's glad to see me.

If I had been posting, I would have told you about and had photos of my
garden, or lack of. A few things, like the zinnias, salvia and cone flowers, did well, but most everything else just died on the vine or went into self-preservation mode by shutting down production of flowers. It was so hot and dry here in Georgia that there was little inclination to even go outside to tend a garden. So I have no photos of baskets of tomatoes, beans, or peppers to show you. Of course now that fall is here and frost not far off, everything is growing prolifically with no chance of reaching full potential. Except the cone flower, which has re-seeded everywhere, including the middle of some of the perennials.
Finally, I would have told you that my daughter's fifteen year old cat, Jasmine, had to be put to sleep. She was Melody's first pet that was all her own when she was in college. Her boyfriend now husband brought it to her as a teeny tiny kitten, so Jasmine was actually her first 'child' and my first 'fur grandbaby'. She and the boys and I gathered around Jasmine's body before we buried it, with Garrett writing a poem in the center of a heart (Roses are red, violets are blue, even though you're gone, we still love you.), and Conner drew a picture of a cat and some writing I'm not sure what it says that he put on the mailbox 'so everyone would know what happened'. He then sang his 'I love you song' (a rendition of one I taught him as I have a song for everyone), then we buried her with the poem under a tree in the backyard. I was so proud of both of them as this is still early in their experience with death, even though they have experienced it before with my pets.
So, that brings you up to date on my life these last five weeks. I'm so pleased to say that Fall has finally arrived to our neck of the woods, and I have spent more time outside the last week than the entire last three months. I can't think of a summer I have enjoyed less than this one we just had, but it is over and gone and good riddance! Unfortunately, Fall is arriving on the wind, and wind and I are not friends. Any change in the barometric pressure, especially when it's windy, makes every muscle in my body feel like one big bruise, as well as causing a pins and needles tingling that drives me to insanity. But at least it's not HOT!
Now, here's hoping that I can now get back on track with my posting so that I don't have to write so much at one time! I wish I had something philosophical or intelligent, passionate or artistic to write about, but, well, I'm just busy putting one foot in front of the other, and I suspect that's what most of you are doing as well. Getting through each day as best we can, delighting in the simple pleasures of hamsters and fish, grandkids and pets, and.... well, whatever gets us through these times with a semblance of normalcy and sanity.
Who has time for philosophical or artisitic with all you have had to do? You've had so much going on that I don't know what to comment on, but the fleas and lice and mice sort of rise to the top. What a lot of work dealing with those things must have been.
I'm so sorry about the pet deaths, and I love how sweet the boys were about the cat. It sounds like you have a lively new beta.
I hope things calm down a bit and that you start feeling much better.
Linda,glad to see I'm not the only one slacking on posting lately. There just seems to not be enough hours in the day anymore,or maybe it's just me slowing down. Like you, I am glad the heatwave is over,I do love fall of the year,always have. I'm going through the mice problem right now,don't think they have ever been this bad(did I tell you I'm scared to death of them)I can't even relax in my own home. I just wanted to say hello and tell you that I was glad to hear from you and hope you have a great week.
So glad to read a post from you. I have missed you.
What a time you have had, so much in such a short period of time. I can't imagine dealing with lice, mice and fleas. You are much better and stronger than I am but then what choice did you have? Hopefully all are gone now, mice do try to get inside when the the weather gets cooler, I haven't seen any here but remember working at a place and the Fall was horrible for mice. They use to put small sticky things down to trap them which I found sad as they couldn't move off it but would be still alive.....I don't like the thought of anything dying.
Yes I saw that you had a very hot summer, we really had a short summer this year and a short Fall as well. All the leaves are on the ground. Gosh I'm writing too much, sorry.
Be well and again welcome back.
.......:-) Hugs
I've been wondering where you were!!! Wow!!! You have been going through a lot of STUFF this past month or so. I don't even know what to say. At least it gave you something to blog about:):) Sure hope things will settle down for you very need some peace & quiet. Like you, I hated our HOT GA summer and glad fall is here. Just hope we have at least a little while to enjoy it before it gets cold! Hope you can get back to regular blogging now.
Oh yes, you had a lot to tell us, and a lot to listen to us too. Actually, you didn't miss much! We missed you, though. Glad you are back.
Thanks for that...but isn't it a little early for the annual Christmas newsletter? :)
Resquiescat in pace, Lewie and Jasmine. I love the echinacea, it's my favorite daisy-type flower.
The good thing about blogging is that it's always here for you when you're ready to return. If you pressure yourself into a blogging schedule, it becomes a burden, rather than a way of interacting and enjoying yourself.
I love Garrett's poem! And would have loved to hear Conner's song. What sweet little boys they are.
Too bad about the fleas and lice. Our girls brought home lice when they were in elementary school and I remember treating all six of us at once, making the kids stay up late with that crap in their hair. And they had so much hair to comb through, blech. Jeff ended up just shaving his head. I feel for you!
Also, sorry to hear about Melody's kitty. That's always rough.
Wow, what a Mutual of Omaha world you seem have found. :D Sorry about the Kitty, that is a though one.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Well, it is clear why you're not posting. And isn't it better to live it than write it? Your life is gloriously full....even though we could all do without lice and fleas :)
Wow you've been busy. How can you remember all that when you are posting? Great job.
You were talking about Eva Jean getting sick from the flea stuff. I think my blogging friend Julie used the same stuff and her dog started having seizures and they had to put her down. She swears it was from the Frontline.
Sorry about your daughter's cat. I hate losing animals. and the mice...oh boy can I sympathize with you. You remember how I went through that last year and then my daughter's puppy eating the mice poison. She is still fine, no worse for wear and the mice are dead. Yeah!!
The lice in the hair is awful. We went through that when the kids were in kindergarten. What a hassle. I still itch when I think about it.
Take it easy and write soon again.
So many times friends say to me: "I couldn't have a blog, I have nothing to write about" foolish. Life,in its simplicity gives us tons to write about, smile about, laugh about, cry about...I loved catching up with you, I missed you! The lice thing brought back memories (none good)of my kiddos in first and second grade. The culprit was the computer head phones. After they wiped them down it was over. Hamsters and us never got along. Too sad to go into! Love Eva Jean. She needs to meet Eddy! Have a good week and keep on writing!
well now,, if you had "been Posting", i couldda been commenting cause i have been lax in posting myself. Thanks for the update. I will get at it too. glenn
wow! what a wild busy time. hope things settle down. we must be nuts to have all of those dogs, but they are our children. you too, have your hands full. rose
So glad you're back! Life goes on, doesn't it? I'm so sorry to hear about Jasmine - losses like that are so very hard. Looking forward to more of your wonderful stories soon.
I'm exhausted reading it all! Glad Eva Jean is Ok - great photo. Thanks for the Scrubby Bush plug - I've been struggling to blog myself and am just getting back to some enjoyable blog reading. Love the hamsters! Understand the mice thing, I have to trap rats in my vegie patch and live trap them to ensure I don't catch anything native and then have to despatch the rats and hate it everytime! Please keep blogging, you have so much to tell!
I don’t know how I missed this when you put up this post! I loved catching up on all the info that you had to report…..
And I could not believe that you have new hamsters too! Are they dwarf or Syrian (teddy bear) kind? Around here all they have are dwarf and one store had all females and one store had all males. We got a male dwarf Russian hamster (there were not many to choose from….just a few that were each alone, but he was the cutest. It has brought lots of fun times watching him. Love watching him roll around in his ball. The other day he dragged about a cup of bedding into his wheel. Also, we set up a “pen” by standing up old VHS boxes and taping them to each other. He goes crazy running around. BUT none of us have held him yet. He is very happy to take treats from our fingers, and he runs over the boys’ hands when he is in the pen. But he is just so darn tiny—different from the Syrian kind of hamsters I had as a kid. We don’t have a Crittertrail—we got a different brand but it does have a “skylounge” but he seems too small to crawl up himself so the boys tilt it and help him get up. Too funny about how yours got out! Anyway, would love to hear more about what kinds you have and if you can pick them up, etc.
Also, I wanted to say I am sorry to hear about Jasmine. I too had special furry kids before the human kids and can relate to your daughter’s loss. Glad for Jasmine to have a long, loving life.
I, too, don't know how I( missed this post when it was put up! I love your discriptive posts of everyday life in all it's triumphs and tradgedys! But glad you are posting again, nonetheless! Glad Garrett is feeling better...and so sorry to hear about Lewie and Jasmine!! Thankyou for your kind words about losing I know how you all have been feeling. I see you have a "Best Commenter Award" for your great comments and I know why. I LOVED your idea about doing a side by side picture comparison of Chelsea's next to baby Bryden's...thankyou...great idea!! Your Connor and Garrett's pictures are adorable!!!
The mice escapade made me laugh thinkiing of the time we found and had to eradicate one from the house with a love trap...EUWW! The the flee tale reminded me of the time the twins came home with nits the school nurse found, so I de-liced and scrubbed the house down for two weeks and found myself being paranoid itching just thinking about it for a month...ha! The blog referral to Scrubby Bush made me laugh too about the poor pet roo have a love mate. Thanks for a post "catching us up to date" was fun!!!
Now, here's a voice I've missed. And had I had one of my own, would have noticed you posted this a week ago. Time for another post, don't you think?
Enjoyed it!
Nothing philosophical, intelligent, passionate or artistic? Hah! You just did it, along with humorous and loving.
I have just published a short bit about a mouse in my own house; and yes, there is a certain irony to your welcoming hamsters in light of the demise of the mice!
I feel for Jasmine and all those who grieve for her. Losing a pet is truly like losing a family member. I still remember the pain of losing my PooCat when I was 12 - still hurts, after all these years.
And I well understand the pressure of LIFE that keeps you from regularly blogging - I've been going through the same thing myself. Thought about giving it up completely a hundred times, but I still have so much to say...sigh.
I have a littel something for you over at my place - come and collect it when you can!
If you had been posting, I would have commented how much I enjoy reading about your adventures :) Delayed or otherwise, I wanted to let you know that I always find your posts enlightening and encouraging...hang in there! Fall can bring all sorts of new and exciting adventures :)
hello, it's nice here so I am just saying hi. I've been watching it for a month now.
What a fun blog, it is amazing how are everyday lives are full of fun stuff if we just sit and think about it ,if you don't mind I would love to follow.
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I hearby claim this section mine....
Hello I am new here. I’m sorry if thisis the wrong place for this but I was hopingsome one here on would be able to assist me. Happy to be here.
Well there you are! Have missed your posts but can relate to the 'if I'd posted' part, lol. Nice to see pics, and sorry to hear about Jasmine. The hamsters are adorable! And the beautiful beta....
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Happy Thanksgiving Linda, I hope you and your family have a wonderful day. I miss you...Hugs
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You certainly have had a time of it. I have been missing you.
I hope the winter kills all the bugs and varmits and your barometric pressure doesn't change so you feel well.
Guess my contribution will have to be 'this too shall pass' and hope for the best for you.
Hi I’m new here. I am sorry if thisis not the right place for this but I was hopingsome one here on would be able to assist me. Happy to be here.
Just stopping in to wish you well. Hope everyone is feeling better. Am sending warm, healing thoughts your way.
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Merry Christmas dear friend.
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Best regards
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Wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Hope you are OK. I miss your writing.
Just stopping by to say hope everything's alright - we miss you!
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