The first night was unbearbly hot, so Garrett enjoyed the misting machine.

Since the festival is actually in downtown Chattanooga, the kids get to enjoy some of the activities like the pipe fountain and 'swimming' on the steps and under the bridge, a regular summer attraction.

Can't wait to see who'll be here next year! Whoever it is, we'll be there ...
(A final note ... I AM SO FED UP WITH BLOGGER!!! I have spent more time than I care to admit with one frustration after another trying to do this post, including slow movement and pauses from one spot to another or one letter to another, and just now when I published it, it came out with miles of space between photos and paragraphs! Seriously? Every time I came back from being in drafts I had to go thru this same thing, and it's just pissing me off! Is anyone else having trouble? And we won't even talk about the commenting thing ...)
I haven't had any trouble so far, but many others that I follow have. I'm glad you were able to post. It sure looked like a ton of fun. I love the music selection this year..I would have loved it if I had been there I mean! The other thing that looked great, including that cute grandson...was the water steps. My grandkiddos would have loved that! What good grandparents you are. I remember your posts from last year about this event. Isn't great to have a place to create memories? Even though Garrett played with his DS, I'll bet he'll remember these days forever!
I remember you writing about this last year and it sounds like you had another really good time. You really got to see some great performers.
Yes, Blogger is a real #^$@* lately. I get so fed up that I just give up sometimes.
So good of you to stop by at sixtyfivewhatnow. Words do comfort, and I'm most appreciative. Rosaria
looks like ya'll had a truck load of fun again this year. glad to see and hear about it. my blogger was acting nuts last week and i have been out of pocket this week, but today seems ok,, How have you been?
Dang, I keep forgetting about this festival, only 1 1/2 hours from here and I do love music. Next year! :)
Blogger is definitely having issues and some people are leaving for Wordpress, you are not alone.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
What I love is having read about your experiences before with this festival. Have we been together a year at least? My how time flies!
Blogger, yes, does this to me too. I have better luck in HTML mode than in the other, though it isn't as fun. Sometimes it works better on one computer than the other. I have no idea why it does or doesnt. It's like a woman...moody and tempermental :)
What a perfect summer's day!
Blogger has been having problems for months now. I haven't had your challenges, but I never know if things are going to work the way they're supposed to either.
I wonder if WordPress is better?
You have a very beautiful daughter. Sounds like a grand time - good music and activity. Sorry about the lightening. (My niece is named Miranda - after Miranda Lambert.) Chicken on a stick? Don't think I've heard of that.
Yes, I understand the frustration with loading photos. Takes FOR EV ER. I don't do the Preview thing. I just publish it and rearrange from there. Hit the back bar right after publish and click on "edit"
It always amazes me how much better y'all's festival is than ours...in the Country Music capital of the world!
Great pictures this, and the stormy skies add to it.
Blogger? Problems? Surely you jest...NOT! The biggest problem I have is commenting. Strangely, I've now found if I can't leave a comment using Internet Explorer, I switch to Google Chrome and have no problem. Weird!
I LOVE Garrett's bracelet - that is so cool. My style too. :-) And that chicken on a stick sounds pretty darn yummy!!! :-)
As for my including the part of my life that dictates working two jobs -- um, not so much. That's the really yucky part. EWWWWW. :-\ I am goofing off so much at my hosp job in the evening (well, not goofing off, just doing research on how to make my blog better, lol) that I hope they just fire me! I'll bet I couldn't be so lucky, huh?!
Every time you post about Riverbend I think I really need to get out more to festivals and fairs... soon! I'm glad you had a great time, and who knew John Stamos played drums?
My computers are 12 years old, so they frequently run slowly!
It looks like you had a great time. I would of loved to hear all the concerts. I don't go anywhere, so it's nice to read your post, at least you are doing something!!!
Woohoo!!! This was about the time I dropped out and took the summer off. 'Kinda got totally overwhelmed this year.
I saw ya out and about today and just wanted to check in and see what you've been up too.
God bless ya and have a magnificent day sweetie!!! :o)
This festival looks like soooo much fun!! It will be wonderful memories that you are making for your family for sure!! The pictures are wonderful of everyone and it looks like a on of fun!! Tennessee isn't THAT far from Ohio...maybe will have to find time for that next year!!
Thanks SO much for visiting my long-lost blog! Knowing you haven't posted in awhile makes me feel better. Sorry you've been having problems with Blogger. I think that was one of the reasons I opted out for awhile. It's not worth it if it takes you hours to get one post done...and that happened to me more than once. I also hate it when I visit someone's blog and it takes forever to read it because it goes so, so slow! I hope mine doesn't load that slowly for everyone. Can't wait to catch back up with everyone. Here's wishing you & yours a very blessed 2012.
thank you for sharing
nice work keep it up
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