We did a lot of sitting while they were here because I was puny with a sore throat (and had laryngitis for half their visit) and David had to squeeze in some work, and it rained, but we did do a little running around in our area (I'm sure I'll do another post). They were flying home out from Nashville this past Monday, so we drove them and got a little last minute sight-seeing done. We had limited time, so just stopped by the Grand Ole Opry complex and walked around, though the theatre was closed and cordoned off. We were able to get into the Museum, which was very cool if you like and are familiar with the history of country music. Here are a few touristy photos:

This is a replica of Patsy Cline's home, I guess. It took me right back to our den when I was a teenager in the late 50s early 60s.
I loved this photo from when Tex Ritter was running for political office, with these legends all in one sitting. Left to right are Tennessee Ernie Ford (gosh, did I love his show - and 'bless your little pea pickin' heart'!), woman unknown (probably Mrs. Tennessee Ernie), Tex Ritter, woman unknown (probably Mrs. Ritter), Roy Rogers, Minnie Pearl, and Roy Acuff (I think-correct me if I'm wrong). (I guess I should have magnified this so I could see the faces better!)
They had a lot of these old posters, which added to the ambiance (can I use that word twice in one post?) of the place. This one caught my attention because of the date - 1948 - which is when I was born.
The Marty Robbins display was huge. This car, a Panther, was awesome, but we couldn't figure out exactly who made it and when. Wish we could have sat in it! It was a four-seater.

Marty Robbins guitars.
I knew Marty Robbins could be flashy, but I had no idea how much so. There were way too many for me to show here or get photos of, but this was the one that turned out best. Seriously, enlarge this so you can appreciate the embroidery.

I think this was the Roy Acuff display. Again, the displays really took you back in time, if not to what you were listening to, then perhaps your mother, uncle, or grandmother.
Obviously I didn't have my camera set right for Tex Ritter and had to brighten a lot. There was also a photo of him with his family, including one of my favorite comedians, John Ritter.

I really like those mosaic sculptures!
Good for you getting to spend some time with dear friends...sorry you were sick, though. I hope that you are feeling better now.
My goodness glad you have returned and are feeling better. I felt like I was on vacation reading your post. I could go on and on about the "old country music" (One of my posts had a hint of if about drive down the highway). I could spend hours in that museum. Several years ago, I got to go through the old Ryman Auditorium (not a tour, just wandered around) anyone else might have thought I was silly but I was in awe. The Texas Music Hall (aka Tex Ritter Museum) of Fame is only about a hour from here I have stopped in a few time there. Did I mention I could go on and on,,lol.. you arent the only one who likes long comments... lol,, welcome back
Love your photo's and love,love country music. Glad you are better,it always seems that we get sick at the worst times.
Glad you got to visit with family. It's a shame you weren't feeling up to par.
Great pictures of the Grand Ole Opry Museum. I would love to see that.
I think the gal in the group picture with the bouffant hair do might be Dale Evans (next to Roy Rogers).
Thanks for sharing the pics
So much in this post. I, too, think it looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. Hank Williams?
Minnie Pearl. Tex Ritter, Tennessee Ernie Ford - you've made me think of people I haven't in a long time. And Roy Rogers - Trigger! Now that takes me back. I so wanted to be Dale Evans.
Enjoyed it.
I so enjoyed this post, I love country music and Nashville is a place I have always wanted to visit, another one into my bucket list.
Glad you are feeling better, and happy that you had time with David's family (and your friend)
Thank you for sharing, I so loved this post......:-) Hugs
Yeah for getting to visit with your sis-in-law! I remember reading that you don't get to see each other much.
I love Nashville too.
In that big mural picture I could see Hank Williams, Buck Owens, (I think) Loretta Lynne, looks like George Jones and Tammy Wynette, Minnie Pearl, and a few more who are on the tip of my tongue but can't spit them out! The Opry ain't the same without Minnie Pearl wearing that hat with the price tag hanging off of it.
Nice photo tour...now I won't have to go there myself!
Hi Linda - what a wonderful blog about our visit. We had a wonderful time getting to visit and caught up on everything and everybody. Lindsay loves the blackberry wine we brought back. Yes, the cat is still alive. Lindsay says that she prefers living with people rather than alone -- uh oh!! Thanks again for yours and Davie's hospitality. Hope you can make it back to Colorado. Love, Alice
I hope you are feeling better by now! How fun to go to the Grand Ole Opry... I enlarged those embroidered suits, oh my, what incredible detail. That was one flashy guy!!
I'm a huge fan of mosiac sculptures!! Those are awesome! I've only heard of Opry Land, but have never been....now I'm itchin' to go! I hope you're well. Blessings to you and your family!
Wow, this was so wonderful! I've always wanted to go to the Grand Ole Opry :D It's on my bucket list "before I die...things to do" LOL
Great pics! I love the Rockwell-like drawing...very cool! Isn't it the best to visit with friends and family! The very best of life!
I thought I was already a follower and just realized I was not! I've now added myself and am a groupie...LOL Good to be a part of your crowd!
Great post! Thank you so much!
Blessings and a Big Hug!
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