I swore I wasn't going to post any more photos until I had thought of something to post about, but...I haven't thought of anything to post about, so here are photos of our HUGE snow and ice event last week. You would have thought we got two feet of snow instead of 2 inches, judging by the number of snowmen found even two days after the event. Children across the area got another day off from school, and memories to last at least until the next huge snow event.
The photo above is, obviously, the finches that I said make me happy (
enlarge, please). There were up to a dozen of them on these three feeders at a time. The reason I put them under the eaves is because of the mockingbird that bullies everyone at the other feeders, and also the starlings were eating all the suet I put out but can't land on the little finch perches and socks.

This is Garrett, posing as if he's going to throw a snow ball at me. Notice the snowman on the chair behind him, left over from Christmas and yet to be put away. I also still have holiday lights on the bushes and around the door, so was the only one in the neighborhood, maybe even in the entire area, who was able to light up the snow that night.

I'm thinking that this snowman looked like a good idea the day of the snow...but two days later, not so much so. It looked like a giant penis (
with eyes and a hat).

I thought this was such a clever idea, putting a patch of grass on his head for hair.

You can see by the leaves in the snow that they really had to scrape the ground to have enough snow for three snow people.

This was probably the most fashionable one I saw, and must have been quite the dashing snowman two days before!

It looks so funny to see all these snowmen but with no other snow around them!

This is Conner's snowman(men) at his house. A little on the short side, but so is he! And in his defense, it had done a good deal of melting by the time I took this photo.

I thought this was quite imaginative, a snow dog. Just kidding, it's actually a Georgia bulldog statue. (
haha, that's my feeble attempt at humor)

Yes, another one.

We rarely get cardinals in our yard because of the woods behind us, but this one came by to peck at some fallen suet under the butterfly bush. Last week I thought I had a cardinal in another bush and got the binoculars out for a look-see, but it was only that stupid mockingbird doing an excellent imitation. I'm hoping this cardinal will go tell his friends that I have food.
I almost feel the need to apologize for doing another photo post, and of things that you can see right out your own door. When I thought about doing a Wednesday's Wander to the Wayside, it was intended to be more about me going out for a drive and exploring, with you in the passenger seat, but more often than not it's only from my driveway to my daughter's four minutes down the road!
I'll bet your lights looked beautiful in the snow. And the snowman were all very cute, especially the "manly" one. We haven't had more than a couple of inches of snow for a while, but I'm sure it will come...March is our snowiest month normally.
I love your photo post and I smiled as I looked at the snowmen, we are buried here in snow....
So glad you posted, I've missed you.
Love "Don't Laugh At Me" I haven't heard in such a long time and just noticed it on your side bar tonight.......:-) Hugs
Please don't apologize for your photo post,I love them. The kids do love to see a little snow don't they? I live about an hour from you and we got nothing,maybe next time.
I love your photos and commentary, so keep them coming! The view out my window is considerably less snowy, since San Francisco doesn't really get much in the way of snow. And my neighborhood is a bit more run down.
I liked yhour photo post. Do more of them..if you like taking pictures, do it. Everyone likes seeing them..thnx
Your photo post was awesome, and it made me laugh out loud... you probably can figure out what made me laugh. LOL I'll bet your lights looked beautiful with the snow surrounding them!!
When snow only comes occasionally, it seems to merit more attention - and more snowmen. When we have snow that sticks here, about once every seven years and only stays for a couple hours, everyone goes crazy.
I wonder if putting the birdfeeders close to the window keeps the squirrels away? And that snowman on the chair leftover from Christmas? I still have the extra leaf in my dining room tables and about 8 items that didn't make the boxes carted up to the attic. Sigh.....
Well, how else COULD you describe that snowman? I like it that you call 'em as you see 'em !
Love the snowmen (must remember the grass on the head idea) and your bird feeders made me homesick for mine. Love the photos and can't wait for more :). Have fun taking them...
I've seen enough snow this winter to last me a lifetime and we are supposed to get more tomorrow! AAAAH!!!! Fun pics!
I love seeing all the pics of the snowmen! Funny thing, I haven't seen a snowman here in New England in quite a while, our kids don't celebrate a new snowfall like yours do, I guess.
Maybe I'll make one myself!
Hi Linda...cute pictures of snow men and birdies...our winter was nothing in comparison to last years! I expect Spring is right around the corner...
OMG, that...ahem...tall, skinny snowman with eyes and hat...too funny! Why didn't someone throw a couple of snowballs at his base?
I like seeing your pictures and cracked up over your comments.
Did I read that right, they closed the school for 2" of snow?
The kids in our town don't build snowmen, I wonder if it's because the snow is "old hat". they do take their sleds and go sledding down the hill by the high school.
It is snowing again as I write this. I am really ready for summer!!
Love the snowmen. Believe it or not, here in Ottawa, where we get tons of snow, there is rarely a time you'll see snowmen in the front yards. I think it's because we are so used to the mounds of snow, and we get sick of it by Jan. or Feb., that making a snowman is the last thing anyone here wants to do!
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