During the pain and sickness of the last month, I missed noting my blog anniverary - one year on Feb. 25. It's been an interesting year, I've met so many nice people, and I've learned a lot about myself, what I like and don't like. Like what, you might ask?
(1) I learned that as much as I like to write, I'm not really an author or an entertainer. I pretty much write as if I'm talking to someone in person, which is funny since I probably wouldn't be talking to you if you were here in person (we all know I have socialization issues!). There's not a lot of razzle dazzle or anything really educational, and to me seems almost boring, but also like talking to a neighbor over the fence. I've talked about bluebirds, snakes, flowers, pets, grandkids, driving down country roads, clouds, my 'stuff', pee on public toilet seats, cuckoo clocks, and adoption, childbirth, and miscarriages.
(2) I'm not attracted to a lot of razzle dazzle blogs, but rather to bloggers who talk from the heart and seem like regular everyday people I might meet over the back fence or in line at the grocery store, like Ginger with her chickens and Susie with her homemade dog treats. We have enough things in common to share an email here and there on this and that, and that's the part I really enjoy.
(3) I'm attracted to people who are 'flawed' in some way, like Annie at Quiet Commotion, who are working thru issues from a dysfunctional past or poor health and are not afraid to share their thoughts and feelings about it. This isn't surprising, since I had a dysfunctional past, and also wanted to be a social worker at one point in my life. Like I'm always saying, I love the blood and guts of what makes up a person's life along with the joys and triumphs.
(4) It took a while, but I finally found the older generation out there. In the beginning, because I was following my niece Wendy, I was seeing mostly stay-at-home moms and home schoolers, and a lot of crafters and ebayers. Then somewhere along the way I stumbled onto Julie at Midlife Jobhunter, and thru her blog list I found my 'niche'. Not that I don't enjoy the younger moms and women and their trip thru the adventure I've already been on, but I also like being able to talk about my grandsons with those who won't find it boring! And then there's Bernie at Old, Who Me? who is writing from her eighth decade of life!
(5) I'm attracted to people who love animals. Dana and I shared a gazillion emails about the death of her beloved Lucky and then the adoption of her new fella, Beau, and Donna and I have shared training ideas for her rescue Izzy. But even if it's just someone who loves their pet enough to show a photo now and then or who includes their pet in family news, like Mary's humongus poodle Griphon, that's the kind of person I like to read.
(6) I found a few men out there! Glenn and his down-home tales and short stories, Tim who writes quirky posts and poetry that he knows I don't 'get' but read anyway, and Dan and Ron who are photograhers who share their view of the world thru a lens.
(7) Comments are my favorite part of blogging (like you didn't know that already!). I've been known to leave comments longer than the other person's post, and I read all the comments that others leave on other's posts.
Well, I could go on and on. My follower list is pretty short compared to most of my readers, and my blog list isn't too long either. But that's fine with me - I think it feels more intimate. I won't link to everyone, as all you have to do is look at my list! In addition to the ones I've mentioned above, there's Lorna and her search for a healthy life, Ethlemae who writes the most incredibly detailed and entertaining stories of her real life, Renee with her three sons, Missy with her book reviews, Bernie at On My Own who is the nicest and most inspiring person I have ever 'met', Rosaria raising my social consciousness and sharing her passion for writing memoirs and encouraging others to do the same. I know I'm missing some, but my hands are getting tired of typing, and you'll know you're on my radar because I visit you on a regular basis!
In looking back over the posts I've done this last year - approximately 123 if you include those still in draft - I do have a few favorites, including Confessions of a Demented Mawmaw about my temper, Watch Out for the Animals about keeping an eye on our neighbors dogs, the one about the suicide of my brother-in-law titled How Do You Get That Lonely, and the series about our baby bluebird.
What about you? Is there any post or topic in particular that keeps you coming back to visit me?
If you haven't guessed already, this post is a thanks to all of you for stopping in to visit, for wandering to MY wayside, and for sharing yours with me.
You're Perfect
14 years ago
oh my goodness I could go on forever. My grin 'bout broke my face. All your blogs are fun, and you are right, your comments on other people's blogs are a "post" within themselves. It is a huge world out there and it provides an opportunity to "sit down" with other people and enjoy what they have to say. Especially for us men. I would be hesitant to come up and start a conversation to you ladies and other strangers because it is sometimes "just not done", but here it can be acceptable, it seems. See there you aren't the only one that can have a long comment. And I need to thank you for that "kick in the pants" you once gave me over my attitude with blogging.. lol
It is all you that brings me back here to read each post. You are honest, sincere and just an all around nice person. I also love to read how you and your family are doing, about your pets and well just about your life....thank you for the shout out sweetie, I feel very humbled right now....:-)Hugs
Congratulations on your anniversary. I've just recently found your blog, and so enjoy it! I think we could be friends, talking over the back fence and our pups could play together, too! We seem to read and enjoy a lot of the same bloggers, too. I've added you to my list... nice.
Your adoption saga has been quite intriguing to me, (for obvious reasons)and, of course, your animal-related posts...that's what first drew me in to your blog--a fellow animal lover!
But beyond that, it's the honesty and the heartfelt way in which you speak--a poignancy you bring to the world of everyday occurrences and everyday people, that helps us to refocus on the things that truly matter in life.
Happy blogging anniversary--and many more!
Happy Anniversary,I hope it is the first of many. The thing I like best about you is that you are REAL. Everything comes from your heart. Keep up the good work.
Wishing you a very happy blog anniversary. I'm just a month or so ahead of you...it was one year in January. It is interesting how over time whe "find our stride" so to speak in regard to what we write about and what we like to read. For me, that is mostly like-minded people, but sometimes, like you said about Tim, things I don't always get but like to read anyway. Just keep writing about what you want to write about and reading what you want to read-isn't that waht a blog is for? Wishing you many more blog years to come.
Happy Blogiversary! I'll be coming up on 5 years next month. I think I've lived a lifetime all over again, ever since I started keeping mine. I never dreamt, when I started, that it would evolve in to what it's become for me. I don't get to spend any where near the time I'd like to on it, or visiting, but it's definitely a wonderful outlet for me, mentally and socially. I'm not much of a social creature in 'real' life, either. Mostly because of lack of time. That's why blog friendships are so wonderful...we can visit when we DO have the time and vice versa.
I have a lot of different reasons for subscribing to a particular blog...
-Helpful information on how to do things
-Spiritually deep
-Funny (I can read about vacuuming if the writer is funny)
-If I know them in real life.
I think you're honest and deep (not spiritually, just real life kind of stuff) and I obviously know you in real life so I care what's going on. I'm not a grandma, but I do love hearing about the boys. :)
Congratulations on your anniversary. Mine is sometime in May and I'm going to have Jeff make me a cake (along with mother's day cake and birthday cake it should be a good month).
Wow, that's the longest comment Glnroz ever left anywhere I think...so that in itself says you're pretty special, and indeed you are. Count me in...friend and follower :)
Happy Anniversary! I can't remember when my first entry was. I keep my list of blogging buddies short, too, and the vast majority of blogs I visit regularly and comment on are not those of professional writers. In a world where people write dramatic phrases in order to entertain and draw numbers, I appreciate what you write, because I know the feelings you express are real and that what you've typed comes from the heart. You are far from boring.
Oh man, I have gotten so dang far behind in visiting everyone and emailing...this packing and eliminating is a major emotional and pscyhological challenge for me.
My blog anniversary is coming up in June..one whole year! I had to put a counter on my blog, otherwise I would probably forget!
I am looking forward to my Mom, Sister and girlfriends getting together this weekend...I am taking Izzy to the "Doggy Parlor" tomorrow and running some errands (and getting more boxes) while she is getting clipped...
See? I was trying to compete with you on long posts...I think you still win! hugs to you my dear friend..I miss talking with you...
I hope you are feeling better now. I haven't been blogging (again) but I thought I would stop by and say hi. Congrats on your anniversary of blogging.
I always enjoy reading and especially seeing the pictures you post. Your blog is down to earth and it really appeals to me. You tell it like it is, too.
Who knows, someday we may get to meet (I'm jealous of Dana, lol).
I just got back from another trip to Vegas. Had a great time hanging out with the kids and surprising Wendy for her birthday.
"I'm not really an author or an entertainer. I pretty much write as if I'm talking to someone in person,"
That is what makes you a writer. And one who writes as if talking to me is exactly who I want to read. I'm so glad we found one another. Cheers to better health and many more years of blogging. (I appreciate how you share yourself. As you say, more difficult in real life, but true for many of us. You are not alone.)
I was expecting to see my name under the bloggers with flaws, then I wondered if you had a demented section where I might be mentioned. Then I saw where I was placed in the animal lover section. whew!
And I just now noticed that your blog is not listed under my BLOGGER'S BLOCK where my favorite blogs are listed. That oversight has been corrected.
And it's a damn shame that your camera made me look so FAT. Steal one of mine of my blog and copy it to yours. lol
Linda...I tagged you on my blog (3-19-10) so check it out if you are interested...hugs :)
Thank you for stopping by. I only started blogging a month or so ago and like you, I could only find those much younger than me with fancy blog templates and lots of razzle dazzle writing on and on. It seems that the younger generation is comfortable with this and seems to navigate with ease through all that computer stuff that I don't even pretend to understand.
But slowly I have started finding people that are closer to my age that talk about things that I understand. And you are my latest find...okay, you found me...but I guess you are stuck with me now for I am (if I don't screw this up) am about to become one of your loyal followers.
Congratulations and kind regards.
Happy Anniversary, W2W!
Happy Blogoversary Linda! :)
I love your blog for the same reason as most of your commenters... you're real, and down to earth. The funny thing is that today, in my blog visits, I have been reminded that I want to keep my blog real. In that vein, I removed the links to some Amazon products that I liked. I don't want my blog to become too "commercial".
And wow, thanks for including me in your list of real blogs. I was so very surprised to see my name in there! One of these days, I've got to send you some treats for those furkids of yours. :-)
Hope you're having a marvelous weekend! *hugs*
P.S. I must admit I'm not as good in face-to-face social situations either, and often I back out of events. Sometimes I force myself to go, and sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised and have fun meeting new people. But often, I just prefer to stay home, be comfortable, hang out with the hubby and the pups. :)
There is something about blogging that takes that social pressure off us, and we find we can be more open. It's just easier.
Linda, reading your post was so much fun! You do so have an engaging writing style, and it is the down-to-earth homey-ness chats over the back fence style I love. I learn a lot from your writing, and appreciate the time you take to share with us...peace!
Uh...in my excitement, forgot to add, Happy Blogoversary!!!
Congratulations on your anniversary.
data entry work from home
Happy Anniversary
success for your blog and career
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