Ok, I think I have most of it back between you guys and my follower list (which I finally figured out). I'm drawing a blank on names of some that I read who don't apparently visit me at all, and some I'm just letting go because I've made nice comments til I'm blue in the face and have never been recipricated or acknowledged in any way. And some others I'll just have to wait til I stumble across them again! I'm so grateful for all of you who come here, and thanks for including me in your blogging visits. You've added a new dimension to my life.
I just accidentally deleted my entire blog list, which I use instead of 'following'. I meant to remove only one blog (who's apparently no longer blogging since they haven't posted in five weeks), and clicked the wrong button. Soooo, if you are a reader of mine, please check in so I can re-add you to my blog list.
Crap (she says, pounding her fist on the table and saying way worse words than crap)! Don' t you just hate it when you do something like that? I'll go back thru my comments and see who all I can pick up that way, but that's pretty time consuming, and some people who I read don't read me. What the hell was I thinking? (Don't answer that, because I obviously wasn't thinking!)
Oh, wait! I can pick you up from my followers list! Ummmm...no I can't. That only gives the names and who they follow. Ok, still working on this ...
You're Perfect
14 years ago
me me! Don't forget me! love your comments!
I am here as well my friend, hope you are able to rebuild without too many problems....:-) Hugs
Pretty funny move! Maybe you subconciously wanted to clean out your list, lol
Hey, it hurts to be deleted, you know. I could feel that all the way over here!
I hate it when I do things like that.
I have been spending the last hour searching blogs for a receipe I saw a long time ago. I thought I knew who posted it, but can't find it. Geez...I am forgetful.
OMG! There must be a way to get it back.... google it!! LOL Try getting the "cashed" ones to come up!
You poor baby! Hmmmm.... ok, now maybe I see this as a sign.... time for a change! (this is what happens when one meditates too long!)
Oh no, Linda. But if you want to know a secret, I've done this at least half a dozen times myself, haha! One reader finally kindly pointed out to me that if I use Google Reader and put my favorite blogs there as well, even if I delete my entire blog roll I can go and retrieve them there. It was like DUH!!!! Did I feel stupid. But that's what I did and even tho I don't go to the reader...no time...at least I have it as a back-up if I accidentally delete everyone at 4 am in the morning, which is when I do most of my 'visiting'. If I'm one of those who hasn't reciprocated on comments, please forgive me. My commenting anywhere is hit-and-miss at best. But I do come by and read.
me, me, me,, the one who dont ever do anything silly,, lol
I'm glad you found me and kept me. :-D
I hate it when I do stuff like this, and then I just make more work for myself. LOL
Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Well I acquiesce in but I think the brief should have more info then it has.
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