There was a story on the local news this morning about a man who came home to see smoke coming from his house, and when he opened the front door there was a full on fire which had started in an electrical chair. Against pleas to the contrary, and despite what we're always told not to do, he went in to get his five dogs. The man and all five dogs survived, though he did have to go to the hospital for observation of smoke inhalation and burned throat.
Back when we had five dogs, four cats, and five birds, I worried about this all the time. I had one of those stickers on the door about 'save my pets', but knew that someone probably wouldn't be able to find and save all of them. And I didn't know how even I could get all of them, since cats generally hide. In fact, I had a cousin whose house burnt down, and a cat and litter of kittens died under the bed.
Now that we're down to three dogs and a smaller house, I think it would be easier to save them. But would I, could I, should I try to save them if the house was on fire? Would I actually go into the house if I came home and it was on fire? I have two grandsons - would I want to risk losing my life of seeing them grow up to save an animal? Could I stand outside and watch my house burn, knowing that my animals were inside?
Well, of course, the obvious answer would be that I would have no choice but to stay outside if it meant possibly losing my own life. But there are so many scenerios. If I were already in the house, of course I would call them to me and scoot them out. What if they were in the front of the house and I was in the back? Would I have the presense of mind to throw a wet blanket over myself and crawl to them? And should I?
I'm just musing here. Every pet owner who's animal is a beloved family member has thought about this one time or another, I think. The fear being that the house could catch on fire when we're not there and the animals being trapped inside. Not a pleasant thought, and not likely to happen. But it's up there with some of those other things we think about on occasion, like dreams about our teenager being in a car accident, our toddler being kidnapped, a spouse having a heart attack. Those worst case scenerios that we practice our reaction to, that we imagine the worst and best outcome to.
Or is it just me?
It's a tough question. You don't want to kill/maim yourself to save a pet, but how do you live with yourself if you could have saved them and didn't? Personally, I think I'd try and save 'em...
I think about this subject a lot myself. It would be automatic for me to want to save my pets...I probably would do it without even thinking about it.
I had a similar scenario come up one time...not with fire...but with a tornado. I lived in a duplex. I had one dog, and six cats. A tornado was bearing down on my neighborhood and I had to think fast. First, I ran and grabbed cats one by one, and threw them into a bathroom...all of them. Then, my dog and I went into a closet under the stairs with pillows from the couch, a flashlight and battery radio. The tornado came thru, a tree fell on my porch, but luckily the duplex was spared. This was the very first time that I had been thru a tornado, so I hadn't even known what to expect! When having to act quickly, without time to think, we just react with our first instincts, I guess...even thought it could be potentially life threatening!
In schools, we had emergency drills and procedures so when a "real" fire or...occurred, children would follow automatically.
It's a good concept.
I'm not sure how I would react to this scenario....and I pray I never have to make this decision. We just don't know Brenda but I would like to think I would get the family pets out safe....:-) Hugs
I worry about this every time I leave the house,I'm pretty sure I would save them or die trying.
three cute doggies....
I think we never can know for sure what we will do in a circumstance like that. I believe I would go in and try to save the animals. I've always reacted that way in the past...perhaps it is foolish, but in emergency situations I tend not to think about myself, I just rush in to the rescue.
You have the cutest animals!
Hugs :)
I've never even this any thought before. Now you have me thinking.
I would open the door if I could get to it and call for my dog and hope he would come running. Would I go into a burning house, probably not, if it was fully engulfed.
My son-in-law is a fireman and has some very sad stories about animals and house fires. I think I bury my head in the sand and think it's never going to happen to me. I sure hope not, anyway.
Save the animals and the Bud Lite.
Geez, Wayside Wanderer. Think about something happier. You're scaring me.
These are things I try not to ponder!!! I'm just thankful the dogs were saved!!!
I was looking for something, as you say "quirky", specifically for Billy Ray's bag. Being "broke" was like me also,,:), Google "Gris Gris Bag" if you need more info on that topic. thanks for reading and commenting,,,
With a combined 46 years on the fire department, Joe and I have this to say: If you put a sticker on your door, there's next to zero of a firefighter seeing it. They don't stand around reading.
So happy to hear he was able to save his "kids".
I think the police/firemen would have to hold me back, because my gut reaction would be to run into the house and get my pups. They are such a huge part of my life. I love them to pieces!!
I'm back. My computer shut down. NOW: dogs hide under the bed, as do cats with kittens. They won't come out. Fire is noisy, hot, and they can't see. It's hard for firemen to find an animal, since they are also scary sounding to the animal.
You should keep your note LARGE and without extra wording. For instance:
Not "There are two dogs and two cats inside"
And don't just put ONE note. Firemen don't always use the front door. lol
As for saving a pet? IF there's a way in, I'm going for it.
One day, my mother came home from work to find my nose and roof of my mouth bleeding and demanded "What did you do to the dog?!?"
How did she know that I'd forced Happy to stand up on his hind legs, hurting his back, and causing him to yelp and snap down (my face just happened to be there)? If there had been a fire, I'm sure she would have told me to get the hell out of the house as she ran into it to rescue Happy.
Because she was my mother, I'm sure if there were a fire now that I'd be running in to collect my own babies, Piglet, Mini and Gigi.
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