Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Dog's Unending Loyalty
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Surprise ... And A Birthday

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wednesday's Wander to the Wayside: flooding

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Musical Monday: Kevin Skinner
(Yes, I know it's not Monday, but I have this ready now and want to send it on it's way! After all, it's only two days away, so that mean's I'm two days ahead of myself!)
Anyone who watched America's Got Talent will know what I'm talking about when I say...Kevin Skinner? Huh? Seriously? What the ...? A million dollars and a show in Las Vegas? The critics will eat him alive, chew him up and spit him out. No way can this unemployed chicken catcher handle or carry a Vegas show! He was sometimes off key, his voice was weak and wobbly, he wasn't that great a guitar player, he was unpolished, he was shy and socially ackward ...
...and apparently that's exactly why he was voted most talented. A diamond in the rough. A rags to riches story (who wouldn't want to see an unemployed chicken catcher hit paydirt?). A hometown boy makes good.
And you know what? America may have been right in their vote (oh yes, Christina, I actually said that!). I went to YouTube and listened to him again because I was so puzzled. First off, I was shocked that there were so many videos of him! I found these two that made me re-think my original assessment of him, one a hometown interview, and the other a song he wrote after his grandmother died. Give a listen, it won't take long.
Interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vreGYTG2iKA
Performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6lDj2PiaKQ
I haven't really changed my original opinion of the 'quality' of his talent (and I still think there were far better talents all across the board), but I have changed my opinion of his potential. He definitely has the heart and the hunger for this path, and with training and practice he might just become someone we see around for a little while, if not as a singer than maybe as a songwriter.
(And I also see a country star of the calibre of Garth Brooks, Kenny Chesney, Willie Nelson, Reba, taking him under their wing and giving him some guidance.)
There is a lot of hidden talent in this world, the Susan Boyles and Kevin Skinners. Most are like you and I (though I have no talents), ordinary people who have a talent - and, perhaps most importantly, a passion to go with that talent - that makes them dream of making it big ... if only given half a chance, such as a spot on something like America's Got Talent or So You Think You Can Dance.
Most, whether singers, dancers, magicians, drummers, football/baseball/basketball players, writers or whatever, won't. They'll work their butts off to get where they think they want to go, but most will be known on a smaller scale, karaoke, community talent shows, church, entertaining family and friends, maybe even having an act in a small venue or become part of a dance troupe or chorus, or being on a highschool/college sports team, or getting something in a magazine as opposed to having a Pulitzer Prize winning book. But making it big will always be just beyond their reach.
For the Kevin Skinners of this world: Don't give up on your dream, just know that the path toward it can itself be the reward. (I don't know this first hand, mind you. But in theory that sounds like something profound to say.)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Blogging vs Message Boards
Several weeks ago I found one that I keep going back to, and have gone back to the beginning to read forward to the present. If you get a chance, visit Ron at Destination: Where the F is Ron, who has traveled the world taking photos of the wonders and worst of the world we live in, and is recording his thoughts and experiences with the posting of some of his work. Here's an example of the beautiful journaling:
"I've been photographing the world for almost ten years now, and have covered some of the worst situations on earth: Cambodia, Afghanistan, Laos, Kenya, and lately, Ghana. I've seen more suffering than I can count, more horror and hatred than I can remember, yet I'm still surprised by what I discover in the far reaches of our planet. In the midst of abject poverty and despair, war and suffering, moments that define the power of the human spirit ultimately prevails--snapshots of hope, humanity, and the sheer will to survive encapsulate my lens. I've come to see how these moments enrich my life, past and present, personal and professional. It's all inter-connected. Life isn't all about successes and failure, triumph and tragedy, there's more to it than that. It's about finding your place, acceptance for who you are, and believing in a better tomorrow."
If that touches you, then you will definitely want to drop by his place to read more. I was particularly touched by 'A Balancing Act' of 11/24/08, and 'Language of Light 'of 12/15/08.
Also in regard to blogging, I've been fascinated with the comments. It's very time consuming, but sometimes the comments are as good as the post. I'm never sure what kind of comment to leave myself, and have noticed that I have a tendency to go overboard, to 'analyze' what was posted and give a 'waxing poetic' reply. I don't think I like that, even if it is my natural way of talking even when I'm just having a conversation with my daughter!
I'm sure everyone has heard about Kanye West's obnoxious interruption of Taylor Swift receiving a Best Female Video award. Just for the hell of it, I went on the message board of one of the online news articles, and once again I was blown away by the vitriol, absurdity, and lack of civility that society can display on these boards. Whether they're just being 'silly' or trying to impress, bored and wasting time, or whether they are truly hateful people, you can never tell. I rarely read these, but guess I do sometimes to be 'entertained' by the comments, which is how they keep these things going. I'm feeding the monster (though I never leave a comment)!
Many said that Kanye is a racist, dissing a little white girl in favor of a black artist. Someone said that if this had been a white guy interrupting a black artist, Al Sharpton would already be on the scene. One said that he deserves to be sent to visit his mother (who is dead), while a few others said flatout that he deserves to die. Another said that you'd never find a Mexican doing something like this, and then someone dissed the Mexicans with some stereotypical comments.
Well, you know how they go...in a blink of an eye, everyone is trying to out-do someone else's negative and outrageous comment, and it doesn't take long before race, politics, or sex come into it. I just think it's sad, and wonder what an alien from outerspace would think of this stuff if they found it in a time capsule. I think it displays the dregs of our society, not a normal sharing of views. (Well, I guess I should amend that to say that there are probably some perfectly nice people who are acting in a less than intelligent fashion.) And I think Kanye West, no matter what you think of his talent, is just a narcissistic obnoxious pig who was seen chugging alcohol throughout the evening and made an ass out of himself. Not as a black or a white, not as a Democrat or Republican, or as an entertainer who thinks he has entitlement, but as a drunken ass. An ass is an ass is an ass, and by any other name is still an ass.
You all know that I've only been blogging for seven months, whereas some of you have been at it for several years. I didn't even know what blogs and message boards were until this year! So all this is still a period of learning and discovery. And I have to say that the comments I see on the blogs I've found have never been anything but kind. That's something for the blogging world to be proud of. I guess the old adage 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' applies in most places.
And let me also say that, despite following everyone's directions to a tee, I still cannot get the link to do what it's supposed to do, even though I did manage to do it somewhere else. No matter how many times I try, it goes to one of those 'server can't be found' things, and did you mean bla bla bla. If you click on the bla bla bla, it actually will go to the link. Could it be something with blogger and not me? Like I said, I did it once before and it worked, and I'm following directions exactly. Hmmm. Like I said, still learning ... POST SCRIPT: I FIGURED IT OUT!!! I WAS DOING IT RIGHT ALL ALONG, BUT I HAD A POP-UP WINDOW THAT WAS BLOCKING THE LINK!!!
As a side note, let me mention that the two hour season premier of 'House' is next Monday!!!!!! Woohoo! Note to my daughter: I WILL NOT BE BABYSITTING ON MONDAY, SEPT. 21. (Well, I actually will since that's Conner's night to spend the night, but I reserve the right to drug him!)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Honest Scrap Award

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday's Wander to the Wayside: Football

I'm thinking that when I have more time and there isn't so much football traffic, I will go back to this area (Chickamauga, Ga.) to see more old houses, gardens and walls. No telling what I'll find! It's also a big Civil War area, so I'd also be able to report to you about that. Until then ...
Monday, September 7, 2009
I'm at turns fascinated, appalled, sickened, and saddened. I've even at times found myself close to tears. It's painful to watch their struggles as they attempt to clear the clutter with the help of a therapist/organizer, and equally painful watching the frustration, helplessness, anger, and pain of family members and friends who are trying to help. The filth ... oh my gosh, you can almost smell it through the screen.
Tonight's show featured an elderly couple who, in addition to piles of clutter, were hoarding cats, and their house was unbelieveably filthy. She thought they had something like 20 cats ... the final count was 76, half of which had to be euthenized. As animal control cleared and cleaned the house, they found the remains of over 40 dead cats and kittens, some decades old, hidden in and under clutter.. Can you even begin to imagine that?
I don't think the fascination with this is the same as craning your neck to see a car wreck or watching Jerry Springer. It's more like ... well, I don't know why or how it's different, but it is. Though I guess it does have a there but for the grace of God aspect.
I've known people with serious clutter issues, but nothing like hoarding. And a lot of us have too much "stuff", but I think it becomes hoarding when it interferes with safe and healthy living? When it becomes more of an obsessive/compulsive disorder, a mental disorder? Definitely when it becomes a serious quality of life issue.
Have any of you experienced hoarding with a family member or acquaintance?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday's Favorites: Funny Post Find and Politics
Today's Friday Favorite is a Funny Post Find: Wendy at On The Front Porch had me laughing so hard with her chicken story that I almost peed my pants (and if you know me at all, you know that I'm not kidding). And the comments were equally as funny. So do yourself a favor and go read her - and the comments - and you'll end your Friday on a high note (as if it's being Friday weren't enough)and an out loud guffaw!
Speaking of themes, I think I'm going to begin a new one for Wednesday, maybe alternate it with Wednesday's Wander to the Wayside. I'll call it "Wednesday's What the Fuck?" You know, like this week's "Wednesday's WTF?" would be about people keeping their children out of school next Tuesday so they don't have to listen to President Obama talk to students. Because, you know, he might enlist them in something akin to Hitler and the Youth Movement, might enlist them in his cause and try to sway them (these non-voters)to his political agenda, might start a conversation about health care or the economy, and they'd go home and try to indoctrinate their parents and possibly turn them in if they don't come around.
I'm just saying, and it's only my opinion, that no matter what your politics or political affiliations, IS THIS NOT JUST NUTS? (And, again, if you know me at all, you know I don't do politics or religion, but this has just irritated, frustrated and puzzled me all day.)
I apologize if this has offended anyone, but I've spent the whole day saying 'what the ...?". So, I really needed that laugh that Wendy gave me!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wednesday's Wanderings:Colbert Hollow
It was a gorgeous Fall type day in Georgia, and I seriously got a little bit lost both in my wandering and in my thoughts. We've lived here since December 2005, and I still never cease to wonder at how beautiful this rural area is, even though bigger city type things are only fifteen or thirty minutes away. I love the trees, the 'oldness' as shown in the barns and houses that they never seem to tear down, the 'feel' of the whole package.
I know I always do too many photos in my posts, but I can never seem to narrow them down! I did, however, remember to upload them in medium this time so they wouldn't take up so much room, and now I'm sorry I did because it loses all the detail, which means that you really do need to click to enlarge so that you can see what I took the picture of - and that's a pain in the butt and time consuming. Sorry! I know I could put them on a slideshow, but since I only have two columns I don't know where I would put it. Oh, on the 12th photo with a white spot in the field - that's an abandoned white bus!
(P.S. I just remembered you can change the size right there on your computer ... not text size under 'view', but down at the bottom right (on my computer). It says 100% with a little magnifying glass, and if you click it it says 'change zoom level'. See if you have it - it helps a lot!)

I hope you enjoyed the drive, and that you'll come again for another visit.