This last Saturday was my six year old grandson Garrett's first ever football game, and the first time I had seen him suited up. I don't 'do' sports, but I promised him that I would go to his games and cheer him on... as long as I didn't have to
understand what's going on. He's fine with that.

To see them lined up on the bench, wondering, I'm sure, when they'd get to play and how they would do, made me think of my first dance recital in grade school. Sweaty palms, dry throat, heart pounding, wondering if I would be a star or make a fool of myself.

I have no idea what was going on, but the bottom line is that Garrett's team lost.

These are the cheerleaders - they were just too cute!

This is Garrett after the game, glad it's over and proudly displaying his sweaty head, though not as proud as he was when displaying a big bruise on his arm after he took his shirt off.

Conner, who was not impresssed that his older brother was having his first football game, spent his time making new 'best friends' at the top of the bleachers...

...and this is what Conner was doing during most of the game. Soon to turn four years old, he has decided that he wants one of these for his birthday - in
addition to the Handy Manny Workshop, not
instead of.

I spotted this house across the street from the school. I love stone walls and foundations, so risked getting lost in an area I'm unfamiliar with to check it out. You see these a lot in our neck of the woods, and this one in particular looks like it's very old (the fence and foundation, I mean).

I ducked into the alley behind the house to go around the block, and this is what I found ...
I'm thinking that when I have more time and there isn't so much football traffic, I will go back to this area (Chickamauga, Ga.) to see more old houses, gardens and walls. No telling what I'll find! It's also a big Civil War area, so I'd also be able to report to you about that. Until then ...
do it soon,, I wanna, do you like old buildings? I got some shots of an old theater (still in use), in Lexington while on vacation. Probably will use in a post in a day or two. aint grandkids great?
I really enjoyed this post, loved seeing the photo's of your beautiul grandsons and I am a sports addict so I would of enjoyed the game as well.
That stone fence reminded me of Scotland, everything there seemed to be made of stone or peat was lovely and very archaic which gave it much character.
Will love seeing your photo's you get when you go back for another look.
Have a great day.......:-) Hugs
Your grandsons are both adorable! I also love the photos of the house and gardens...I would love to be able to own something like that. A little piece of history!
Love your photo's,Like you I'm not much for sports but have done my time on bleachers for kid's and grandkid's over the years.They are so worth it and your's are adorable.
All your love for your grandchildren is on these pages. Lovely.
Your grandsons are adorable. My oldest played football in 6th and 7th grade in the fall. Luckily for me he is doing baseball fall and spring now. I couldn't follow it either. And it's true how the siblings will go to other siblings who are there having to hang out and play, play, play.
That was a neat house!
I'm like you, not much into football, but I would go watch just to see the kids play. Your grandsons are cute guys.
I love the house and the stone fence. I hope you go on more adventures so we can see the neat things you find.
Garrett is such a little cutie! I adore those missing teeth. Please give that grown up kid a big, wet, sloppy kiss from his Auntie Wendy.
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