It was a gorgeous Fall type day in Georgia, and I seriously got a little bit lost both in my wandering and in my thoughts. We've lived here since December 2005, and I still never cease to wonder at how beautiful this rural area is, even though bigger city type things are only fifteen or thirty minutes away. I love the trees, the 'oldness' as shown in the barns and houses that they never seem to tear down, the 'feel' of the whole package.
I know I always do too many photos in my posts, but I can never seem to narrow them down! I did, however, remember to upload them in medium this time so they wouldn't take up so much room, and now I'm sorry I did because it loses all the detail, which means that you really do need to click to enlarge so that you can see what I took the picture of - and that's a pain in the butt and time consuming. Sorry! I know I could put them on a slideshow, but since I only have two columns I don't know where I would put it. Oh, on the 12th photo with a white spot in the field - that's an abandoned white bus!
(P.S. I just remembered you can change the size right there on your computer ... not text size under 'view', but down at the bottom right (on my computer). It says 100% with a little magnifying glass, and if you click it it says 'change zoom level'. See if you have it - it helps a lot!)

I hope you enjoyed the drive, and that you'll come again for another visit.
Lovely drive. Thanks for the guided tour.
I like the red bard with the fence. Thanks for the drive.
Oh what beautiful photo's, I so enjoyed seeing them....I tried to enlarge them but was unable to.
I am not sure how I happened upon your blog but I am so glad I have, it's wonderful.
I hope you don't mind that I follow you.
Have a wonderful day.....:-) Bernie
Hi Linda - I loved all of the pictures, however, the bus in the middle of the meadow made me ask myself, why would they park it out in the middle of the meadow? You make me notice these everyday roadside scenes more. Thank you!
Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them. :) Have a great Thursday!
If I saw all of that on a drive to Walmart, I would be going every day. I love the country roads and the views you have. Thanks for the drive. Next time we are doing lunch!!! lol
I love the last picture especially, the old house. Doesn't it make you wonder about what it might tell about its past and its former occupants if houses could talk? I wonder how long it has been's quite beautiful. It was a lovely drive, thank you for bringing along some hitchhikers:)
Thanks for joining me on my wanderings, ladies! Bonnie, that's why I love old buildings and houses - the somewhat romanticized mental vision of it's past.
Ginger, if we go to lunch it will definitely be mexican and marquaritas!
Alice, you and I will have to take some of these roads while you're here - they're right behind the house, so it won't be a marathon driving adventure. A good visiting drive!
Bernie, I'm the one that found you from MidlifeJobhunter, and I visit you every day to see what you have to say!
Julie, the red barn is also a favorite of mine, just sitting there by itself at the intersection.
Love the pictures. I've got to get out to the country and spend a day taking shots of barns. They are some of the most beautiful pictures.
I found you at Life is Good,so glad I did! I also have had a hard time finding fellow bloggers from our age group so when I found you it felt right. I love the pix,old buildings are some of my favorite things,I have a lot of memories that include them. I am fairly new to the blog world and still learning,but I know I will enjoy following yours. Please come over and follow me and together we can blah,blah,blah,till our hearts are content.
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