I'm convinced that if I hadn't given myself a theme for three days of the week, I would never get anything posted. My mind is a total blank.
Today's Friday Favorite is a Funny Post Find: Wendy at On The Front Porch had me laughing so hard with her chicken story that I almost peed my pants (and if you know me at all, you know that I'm not kidding). And the comments were equally as funny. So do yourself a favor and go read her - and the comments - and you'll end your Friday on a high note (as if it's being Friday weren't enough)and an out loud guffaw!
Speaking of themes, I think I'm going to begin a new one for Wednesday, maybe alternate it with Wednesday's Wander to the Wayside. I'll call it "Wednesday's What the Fuck?" You know, like this week's "Wednesday's WTF?" would be about people keeping their children out of school next Tuesday so they don't have to listen to President Obama talk to students. Because, you know, he might enlist them in something akin to Hitler and the Youth Movement, might enlist them in his cause and try to sway them (these non-voters)to his political agenda, might start a conversation about health care or the economy, and they'd go home and try to indoctrinate their parents and possibly turn them in if they don't come around.
I'm just saying, and it's only my opinion, that no matter what your politics or political affiliations, IS THIS NOT JUST NUTS? (And, again, if you know me at all, you know I don't do politics or religion, but this has just irritated, frustrated and puzzled me all day.)
I apologize if this has offended anyone, but I've spent the whole day saying 'what the ...?". So, I really needed that laugh that Wendy gave me!
You're Perfect
14 years ago
Oh yes! Nuts to the nuts! What we all need is a bit of sanity.
Now I, on the other hand,do enjoy a bit of political chatting. What is freedom for if we don't use it.
Alrighty now, Linda. LMAO.
I am going to visit your friend's blog and get my friday laugh.
I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend.
You didn't offend me. I think it is completely nuts also. Why do these people, so living out of fear, have such a voice? What has happened to our country?
Here's how to do a link:
1. open a new tab on your browser bar
2. open the site you want to link to
3. highlight and copy (Ctrl C) the web address
4. go back to your post and highlight the word or phrase that folks will see and then click on
5. click on the icon of the world with a little chain link across it
6. when the window appears, enter the copied address (Ctrl V) and hit enter
7. if you want the link to appear in a different color (which makes it easier for your readers) there's something else you need to do. I'll tell you later. Lila
Oops, on item 4, omit the last 4 words.
Oops again. I meant for item 4 to read:
4. go back to your post and highlight the word or phrase that folks will click on in order to open the link
I really think there are so many things that people are afraid of these days. Imagine worrying about Obama hurting children by stating his views even if the parents don't agree. How else will they learn to make discerning judgments if they are not exposed to all sides of a question? I agree with you entirely.
Thanks for coming to my blog. I know how to comment now.
I came over for a visit after your comment on bathtime blogger, and you had me when I read your *about me* profile and your blog description under your blog title. I left a comment for you back at the blog....
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