Hop in! Buckle that seat belt. Get your camera ready - you never know what we'll see!

I saw this rooster a mile down the road earlier, so he's on the move! I guess he heard what they say about the grass is always greener ...

This is a sign post just above a church called The Cowboy Church. They actually can bring their horses on Sunday morning, plus they have a riding area. I loved the flag in the background. (If I had zoomed this, you could see that the middle sign says church.)

This house is the one from last week that had the laundry hanging on the line in the backyard. I'm not sure how old it is, but I love the stone foundation and mature trees and bushes.

These cows are enjoying the afternoon shade on an unseasonally warm day.

This is the same field. Don't know what that thing is, but I'd guess something to do with food or water. The yellow is from some kind of weed that's blooming.

This cemetary is on the border of the same pasture. At night they have solar lighted crosses!

This is an antique store about one minute from my house. We've lived here three years, and I've never gone there! You have to call some guy to come meet you - I think he lives behind the store . It has some really cool rusted things like bicycles, farming equipment, tubs, etc. No telling what's inside.
Thanks for visiting! See you again next week. I'll provide the snacks.
(Someone behind the scenes is messing with my spacing again ... I've reposted this a dozen times and it's different every time! Does anyone else have that problem? Let's try again ...)
(Nope. It does not want to put spaces between these last paragraphs. Hmmm.)
Oh, I'd love to go to that antique store. Because that's what I need. More stuff. ;)
Yes, I've had the same formatting problem. It seems to happen when I try to post multiple photos. I've tried in vain the correct the problem, as you have.
I love these pictures. The cowboy church is neat. I love the rooster out wandering. I would love to see the cemetary at night with the crosses lit up. And I would definitely be visiting that antique store.
I always have trouble downloading my pictures and the spacing is never right. I drag pictures down to try to get them spaced evenly, but it never comes out right.
Grateful for sharingg this
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