Today's Wander the the Wayside is right out my back door, literally. This is where all the birds that I wish were in my yard are actually hiding. I've seen heron there, woodpeckers, geese, and scared up some ducks on a recent walk. It's not huge, but is a great place to walk the dogs, and the boys like to take snacks and hike there.

This is Eva Jean. Our yard is quite large and perfect for an energetic dog, not so perfect for two over the hill people who hate to mow. And we're not zoned for livestock to eat it. We have some trees that we planted three years ago, but there more to the other side of the yard and where I'm standing.

I'm always taking photos of sky conditions in that direction, usually of clouds and storms, but also of trees turning colors in the fall. The sillouettes of herons or geese gliding in is beautiful.

This particular storm above is facing toward the northwest and over our neighbor's yard. I thought the contrast of the clouds and funny color gray was interesting - and scarey. There had been a lot of tornadoe warnings that week not too far from us, but far enough to not really worry.

This is in the green area and facing back toward the east. Someone was nice enough to mow it before our walk. That's our house in the middle. The ridge on the horizon east of us is gorgeous and much higher than it looks. So many trees!

This is Charity, and we're inside the green area. I especially liked the way the branches and vines made an arch over her, or frame around her. It's very hot and humid in there in the summer.

This is the little creek, actually larger than usual because of rain. This is a hundred year flood zone, so, when there are several days of rain, it comes up over the entire green area and up to the yards of the houses further out than us. We basically don't have to worry about anyone ever building on the lot behind us because of the flood zone.
Thanks for stopping by. It's good you came early, because in another few weeks it will be full of mosquitoes and all kinds of creepy crawlies! And I won't even mention the s---- word.
You have a huge yard. Do you have a riding lawnmower?. That's a lot of grass to cut. The dogs seem to be enjoying it all. I like the creek but not the snakes. Bird killers!!! I think your part of the country is beautiful.
So beautiful. Although the storms can be scary, the sky is something to watch. I like the dogs. I miss having one.
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